Resources for Parents & Students

Monday, March 2, 2020

Dr. Seuss's Birthday

Today, March 2, 2020 Students are celebrating Dr. Seuss's Birthday by reading and listening to Dr. Seuss stories all day long.

My favorite fun fact about Dr. Seuss:  "He kept a closet full of wacky hats.  Whenever he was stumped writing, he'd put on a suitable hat to help the words flow."  Source: Parents Magazine & Imagine That! How Dr. Seuss Wrote the Cat in the Hat by Judy Sierra

We have passed the 100th Day of school which we celebrated at Tahoe Lake on February 12th.  This was also Family Reading Night.  Thank you to TLE PTO for sponsoring this event and a big shout out to all students and family members who were able to attend.  Thank you also to all our staff here at Tahoe Lake who read books and wore costumes.  Our special thanks to the Man in the Yellow Hat, our Superintendent, Dr. Leri! 

And finally, a big thank you to Julie Basile for all her hard work for many years as TLE's Chairperson of the Scholastic Book Fair.  Julie will be moving up to North Tahoe Middle School next year. We will miss her, but we welcome Stephanie Salke who will be taking over her role.  In addition we want to thank all the parent helpers who worked many hours to run the fair.  Our fair netted around $3,000 worth of Scholastic dollars which will be used to purchase books for the Library, teacher classrooms and as reading prizes. 

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